Monday 24 March 2014

Smaug the dragon questions

Smaug, living at the center and root of Lonely Mountain, is quite literally represented as a Mountain of Rage.  His rage is responsible for:
Desolation                    Hating all living things          Destroying all fertility
Creating Deserts      Leaving nothing alive             Burning the world
Creating terror          Spreading darkness wherever he goes
What might cause such immense rage?  Does this kind of rage exist only in dragons?  If not, where else might it exist?  What might we learn from Smaug's existence?
1. Smaug is so angry because as a dragon they like to have treasure and he believes the treasure was rightfully his also dragons are very greedy and he is always worried people are trying to steal his treasure so he is always angry.
2. First No i don't think it would be just in dragons I think this kind of rage  could exist in anyone if they became corrupt and evil and also controlled by their greed for example Thorin could have become very similar is he had a greater opportunity.
3.I think from his existence we can learn there will always be an opposing evil. Also we can learn that greed will never lead to good thing as it just leads to isolation and overall misery. As well it teaches us that it is better to share and do the right thing.

Dragon facts

1.  Dragons are creatures from mythology that have magical powers.

2. There is also western(Asia) and Eastern(Europe) Dragons

3.  Dragons are snake or reptile-like creatures that are gigantic and powerful.

4.  They can usually fly and breathe fire or ice.
5.  They fly using large wings and their bodies are covered with scales, as is their long tails.

6.  Many dragons have red, slanted eyes.
7.  They can be fierce or they can be kind and helpful.

8.  Depending on the culture, dragons can posses many different kinds of powers.
9.  Dragons are very popular in China. The phoenix is a dragon that has five claws and was a symbol for the emperors in China.

10. The Latin word draco, as in the constellation Draco, comes directly from Greek drakones. The Dragon is sometimes known by the Nordic word, ormr (Old English wyrm means serpent — draca means dragon).

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Found poem I made.

They walked in single file
Dimness to either side
Green glimmer and Occasionally a slip of light.
Later on in the night
Dead silence fell
And spiders got near
Now Thorin,Dori,Nori,Ori,Oin,Gloin,Fili,Kili,Bombur,Bifur,Bofur and even Bilbo
Were all now in fear.

Thursday 6 March 2014


Often I am hidden or unseen
I am not distinct in colour or sound
I hang around in questions and sentences
I'm here to trick and confuse people
What am I?

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Monday 3 March 2014

The stone

1. In turning trolls to stone as light shines on them, what might Tolkien be communicating about trolls and about light? He is saying the troll are dark and bad creatures also he is saying it literally as they will turn to stone is the dawn of sunlight touches them at all. As well he is saying light is very powerful and in the hobbit's case is is a good power that will rid of bad creatures.

2.If stones strewn throughout the country side  were really trolls “turned inward” or other incarcerations, would we kick them, throw them, skip them, crush them? why? why not?
I think still think we be able to do whatever we want with the rocks as we probably would know with was a rock or a troll and if it meant the trolls were dead than it would not be too big of deal for us. However if they were just trapped then we probably have to leave them be and show respect to them. would Simic's Answer question 2?
I think Simic would want the rocks to be left alone and shown respect, also he describes rocks with very person mean and making have more of a “face”.

4. What does Simic's mean by “Go inside a stone” What is the central theme of the poem?
I think the central theme of the poem is hiding or like a masked superhero doing good but being unknown.

5.How would Tolkien respond to Simic’s poem?
I think Tolkien would enjoy the poem and i think he would enjoy the poem as it is similar to the idea of his trolls be turned into rocked that you could go inside a rock or be one and give it human like traits.